On 1 June 2015 BAPH organized a workshop on mental public health and suicide to contribute to an increased awareness of the diverse challenges of public mental health and to the discussion how these can be addressed.
Brochure and Programme
View the brochure, call for abstracts and programme
View abstracts for presentations
Opening remarks, Marc Hellinckx
Concluding remarks, Johan Bilsen
Mental Health in Brussels
Policy overview
Public Mental Health in Wallonia
Service public de Wallonie
Public Mental Health in Flanders: Public Mental Health and the effects of state reform in Belgium
Marjolijn Vandenberg, Vlaanderen Zorg & Gezondheid
Research on mental health care reforms in Belgium
Mark Leys (VUB)
Mental health Reform in Belgium : results of the evaluation
Adeline Grard (UCL), Pablo Nicaise et Vincent Lorant (UCL), Eva Helmer (KUL), Joke Vanderhaegen (KUL), Chantal Van Audenhove (KUL), Belinda Wijckmans (VUB), Stefanie Van der Donck (VUB), Mark Leys (VUB)
Suicide: Figures and facts
Kees van Heeringen, Renate van Landschoot, Nikita Vancayseele, Gwendolyn Portzky
Suicide Prevention Strategies in Belgium
G. Portzky & K. van Heeringen, Vlamms Expertisecentrum Suicidepreventie
Surveillance is effective to prevent suicidal acts
G. Vaiva, F. Ducrocq, A.L. Demarty, S. Duhem, J.L. Roelandt, P. Courtet, M. Walter (On behalf of the ALGOS research group PHRC / French Health Ministry)
Mental Health: Public Health Priority of the 21st Century
Jutta Lindert, PhD, University of Emden/Leer, Brandeis University