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BAPH Symposium 2023

BAPH events

Thursday 08 June 2023
Aula Magna, Louvain-la-Neuve

On Thursday 8 June 2023, the Belgian Association for Public Health (BAPH) is organizing, in Louvain-la-Neuve (Aula Magna), the symposium:

Public health in Belgium : Quo vadis
Working together on the challenges and future of public health in Belgium

The morning of the symposium will be organized around four plenary sessions and a debate during which Belgian and international speakers will discuss public health challenges in Belgium and Europe. The afternoon will be structured around various workshops led by experts. Several networking opportunities will also be planned during the day.


Registration is closed! If you register, you will be added to the waiting list.
• Free registration for members of the association
• Price of 50 EUR for non-members (20 EUR for students), this price covers membership of the association for 2023, which brings other advantages (see link below):

Register via

Accreditation has been obtained.


Aula Magna (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Place Lemaire, 1
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


9h00-9h30 Welcome

9h30-9h45 Introduction of the day by the BAPH

9h45-10h15 Keynote by Prof. Jean Macq (UCLouvain)

Title : Public health in a changing world: from probabilist to systemic approach

10h15-10h45 Keynote by Prof. Roy Remmen (UAntwerpen)

Title : New perspectives for primary care in a changing world

Summary : Primary care is the cornerstone of a sustainable health care system. Roy will discuss that innovations in science and society will change roles and care processes.

10h45-11h15 Keynote by Pedro Facon (INAMI-RIZIV)

Title : The challenges of public health in Belgium

Summary: The challenges of public health in Belgium are numerous. In this presentation, Pedro Facon will discuss the perspectives and visions of INAMI-RIZIV on key issues such as the accessibility of our health system, the quality of care, and the health of the workforce in Belgium.

11h15-11h30 Coffee break

11h30-12h00 Keynote by Ingrid Stegeman (EuroHealthNet)

Title : The European perspective of public health

12h00-12h30 Discussion with the keynote speakers

Discussion moderated by Maaike Droogers, deputy director of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA)

12h30-13h30 Lunch break

Networking activities

13h30-15h30 Workshops

Participants will be contacted a few weeks before the symposium to choose two of the three workshops

Workshop 1: Knowledge building and translation in public health
Moderated by Prof. Jean-Pierre Unger with experts from AVIQ, Gezond Leven, Sciensano, and the Federal government

Workshop 2: Public health data in Belgium
Moderated by Prof. Brecht Devleesschauwer with experts from IWEPS, Observatoire de la Santé et du Social de Bruxelles-Capitale, Sciensano, and VUB

Workshop 3: Funding for public health research
Moderated by Prof. Sofie De Broe, with experts from BELSPO, FNRS, FWO, Horizon Europe Cluster 1 Health programme and KCE

15h30-16h Coffee break

16h-17h Closing remark and discussion

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Organising Committee: Pierre Smith, Véronique Tellier, Johan Van der Heyden, Sherihane Bensemmane