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Individual Membership

Become a member of the BAPH

To become a member of the BAPH please complete the membership form below.

After completing the membership form, please transfer 50 EUR (students: 20 EUR) to the account of the BAPH:

  • Account number (IBAN): BE15 0682 1098 5030
  • Communication: membership 20XX + name

Membership renewal

Renew your membership annually by 15 March in order to timely update your membership with EUPHA. To do so, transfer the appropriate membership fee using the account number and communication listed above.

Benefits of membership

BAPH members receive the following benefits:

  • participate to the activities and events (co)organized by BAPH
  • receive news and updates on BAPH and its members
  • publish in Archives of Public Health with a special member discount (click here for instructions)
  • apply to the BAPH young researcher support for publication in Archives of Public Health

Furthermore, BAPH members automatically become members of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), which brings together European national associations of public health. As a member of EUPHA, you receive additional benefits:

Membership form