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Belgian EBCP Mirror Group - In-person plenary

Belgian events

The in-person plenary is a bi-annual event organised by the Belgian EBCP Mirror Group to share the updates about its activities and discuss the latest projects in the Belgian cancer field. The meeting will take place on Monday 15 April at the Eurostation building (near the Midi Station) in the room Storck (1st floor).

To register via the following link before Wednesday 10 April 2024.


13.00 – 13.30 Registration and coffee

13.30 – 13.35 Welcome and introduction

13.35 – 13.50 Updates from the Belgian EBCP Mirror Group, Jinane Ghattas – Léopold Vandervliet (Sciensano)

13.50 – 14.50 Development of cancer research and care infrastructure at EU level, what impact in Belgium?

  • Jean-Benoit Burrion (Institut Jules Bordet)
  • Kathleen Claes (Ghent University)
  • Thomas Dubois (Institut national du cancer)
  • Hugo Soares (Agencia de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica)
  • Moderated by Marc Van Den Bulcke (Sciensano)

14.50 – 15.20 Coffee break

15.20 – 16.30 Monitoring and evaluating cancer prevention and control for reducing inequalities between and within EU countries

  • EU Joint Action Orion, Linda Abboud (Sciensano)
  • BE Cancer Inventory, Gabrielle Schittecatte & Robbe Saesen (Sciensano)
  • Workshop on cancer practice case studies and learning from experience, Suszy Lessof & Florian Tille (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)
    Moderated by Marie Delnord (Sciensano)

16.30 – 16.45 Closing