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Superior Health Council General Assembly 2020

Belgian events


The  Superior Health Council General Assembly Date: TBD

Invitation en français Uitnodiging in het Nederlands

Programme The morning will begin with experts will highlight many important topics related to the working group's theme. Confirmed speakers include:
  • Prof. Olivier De Schutter -  International expert in human rights, food security and food policy
  • Fabrice De Clerck – Scientific Director, EAT Lancet Commission
  • Mads Frederik-Moller – Senior Food Policy Advisor, Nordic Food Council
The afternoon will continue with more practical presentations from several stakeholders and actors in the field. This will be followed by a panel discussion in which all workshop participants may engage. Practical Date: TBD Registration required Registration form available soon Participation free of charge Lunch and reception included Location: Zuidertoren Federal Pensioendiesnt/Service fédéral des Pensions Europaesplanade 1 1060 Brussels Contact