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16th European Public Health Conference 2023

International events

From European Public Health Conference

The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the European Public health Conference (EPH) are pleased to invite you to the 16th EPH conference. The conference will be held at the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland, from November 8th until 11th, 2023. Download the brochure

The theme of Dublin 2023 is Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity

The full dynamic EPH programme is available here: EPH Conference Programme. 

This conference hopes to open up part of this discussion, with a focus on health, and health care. We will look specifically at gender and health, at health care delivery generally, the use of digital tools, and the necessary staffing and skills to provide good care. We will, in line with the overall  conference theme, look in depth at the climate emergency, and very specifically at the human food supply. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine poses serious risks to global food security that will require a range of responses from governments and international organizations. The unfolding crisis in Ukraine will push up already-high food price inflation, and have serious consequences for low-income net-food importing countries, many of which have seen an increase in malnourishment rates over the past few years in the face of pandemic disruptions. The Ukraine conflict not only exposes the evil of the current Russian government, but also our failure to create a resilient sustainable global food supply. We can do better, and we have to do better.


You can benefit from early bird registration fees until 1 September. Discover our new registration panel: more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Despite significant inflation and price increases, we are proud to have limited registration fee increases to a modest 3 to 5% in most categories. Reduction is offered to EUPHA members and colleagues from Ireland. No price increases for students and colleagues from low and middle income countries. Register here.

BAPH members are also members of EUPHA, as such they are entitled to a reduced registration fee for the EPH Conference.


An interesting programme of pre-conferences on Wednesday 8 November is annouced. Registration fees are €75 and €150, while sponsored pre-conferences are €20 (inclusive network buffet lunch and VAT). Registration for pre-conferences is required.


Transitioning to more sustainable food systems that support health and wellbeing, organised by EuroHealthNet, Thursday 9 November, 14:00 – 15:00 (all Dublin times)

Noncommunicable diseases: risk factors and commercial determinants (title tbc), organised by EUPHA and European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Thursday 9 November, 17:50 – 18:50

Building the future One Health workforce, organised by ASPHER and EHMA, Friday 10 November, 10:30 – 11:30

On the path to an equitable and sustainable digital future for European health systems, organised by WHO Regional Office for Europe, Friday 10 November, 14:00 – 15:00

Health security (title tbc), organised by European Commission, Saturday 11 November, 10:30 – 11:30