16th World Congress on Public Health, 12-16 October 2020, Online Congress

The 16th World Congress on Public Health goes virtual. We are ready for the challenge: over 3,000 abstracts from 112 countries accepted, special congress track on COVID-19. Daily sessions from 6 am - 11 pm for all time zones. Live plenary sessions, live workshops, exhibition area, reduced registration fees. Read more.
Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy and Action
The theme of the virtual WCPH 2020 remains Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy, and Action, reflecting our firm commitment that we, in the global public health community, have an obligation to respond to the current coronacrisis and other emerging global challenges. As the world confronts the coronavirus, the sharing of science – especially the latest public health science – becomes ever more important, and the virtual WCPH 2020 is the event to do it. A dedicated COVID-19 track will be featured, covering the latest on the efficacy of policy measures, impact on health systems, etc. In our eight plenary sessions we will further explore the challenges posed by the corona pandemic and other threats. See the programme here.
Plenary Speakers
We are excited to announce the following confirmed speakers:
- Philip Baba Adonga, President Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa, Ghana
- Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, WHO Regional Office for Europe
- Mauricio Lima Barreto, Professor Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
- Sara Cerdas, Member European Parliament, Portugal
- Desmond D’Sa, Environmental campaigner, South Africa
- Summer May Finlay, campaigner for the rights of indigenous people, Australia
- Walter Flores, campaigner civil society, Guatemala
- Andy Haines, Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health, United Kingdom
- Richard Horton, The Lancet
- Bronwyn King, Tobacco Free Portfolios and radiation oncologist, Australia
- Stephen K. Klasko, President Thomas Jefferson University, United States
- Laura Magana, President Association of Schools of Public Health in the Americas, Mexico
- Patricio V. Marquez, The World Bank
- Diogo Martins, Policy and Advocacy Lead at Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
- John Middleton, Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region, UK
- Christopher Murray, University of Washington, United States
- Walter Ricciardi, Professor Public Health, Italy
- Gita Sen, Professor Public Health and campaigner for women’s rights, India
- Sarah Wollaston, Former Member of Parliament, Medical Doctor, United Kingdom
Next Steps for Accepted Abstracts
If your abstract is accepted, these are your next steps:
- Corrections: check your abstract by logging into your personal account here. The system accepts your corrections until 1 July, midnight CET.
- Registration and confirmation: register for the congress and confirm by 1 July that you will be presenting your abstract. If you do not register and confirm, your abstract will not be included in the programme and the Abstract Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health. If you are organizing a workshop, all your presenters have to register.
Registration for the virtual WCPH 2020 is open. Registration fees have been substantially reduced, ranging from EUR 130 (students) to EUR 240 (non-members) for the full congress. Special discount is offered to attendees from emerging countries. Low rates apply until 5 August.
WCPH 2020 Organization: The virtual World Congress on Public Health 2020 is organized by the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) in collaboration with the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI).