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Value-based Vaccination: What Is the Cost of Non-vaccination for Public Health?

International events


Wednesday, 30 June | 10:30 - 12:00 (CEST)

Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways of improving living standards, health, and the global economy. Never before, has the value of vaccination been more apparent in our ability to live and work together, for children to play together, and for societies to continue to thrive.

Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) offers a new value(s)-based immunization approach for sustainable and resilient healthcare systems. Exploring the full value of vaccinations could allow better evaluation of their health-related and care-related productivity gains, community externalities and impact on social responsibility and cohesion.

This webinar brings together experts from different fields to showcase the value-based decision-making in vaccination by addressing the evidence needed to demonstrate the full value of vaccination. Furthermore, it will outline steps along the decision-making pathway to ensure the value-based vaccination is recognized when designing and implementing policies at the supranational, regional, and national levels.

This event is co-organised with VIHTALI (Value In Health Technology and Academy for Leadership and Innovation, Spin Off of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) and supported by the University of Geneva and MSD.

Participation is FREE, but registration is mandatory.