BAPH symposium 2024 - Call for abstracts

This year, the BAPH wishes to give Belgian public health researchers, experts and practitioners the opportunity to present their research and/or practices related to inequities in public health and how to tackle them.
Submitted abstracts should concern research, interventions, health policies, care practices related to inequities in public health. Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
Potential topics, but not limited to, include:
- Social determinants of health
- Health of vulnerable populations
- Access to care, treatment gap
- Evidence-based practices and interventions to tackle (public) health inequities
- Impacts of (public) health inequalities
- Data on vulnerable populations and assessment of (public) health inequalities
- Etc.
Each abstract will be evaluated by the scientific committee of the 2024 BAPH symposium : Jan Verbakel , Véronique Tellier , Johan Bilsen , Johan Van der Heyden, Katrien Vanthomme, Pierre Smith (Chair). After evaluation, each abstract will be assigned to one of the following categories:
- Recommended for oral presentation
- Recommended for poster presentation
- Not recommended
A prize will be awarded for the best oral presentation and the best poster
With your agreement, the abstracts selected for an oral or poster presentation will be published in a special issue of the scientific journal Archives of Public Health.
An abstract must be sent via the online form with the following content:
- Presenter: Name, first name, affiliation, email address of the person submitting the abstract
- Title of the presentation and authors: Title of presentation and list of author(s)
- Abstract: Maximum 400 words, structure (background, methods or description fieldwork, results or observations, conclusion).
- Main messages: maximum 100 words, two short messages which summarize the main impact in relation to public health inequities
- Acknowledgements: for example: funding, survey participants, etc.
- Agreement to publish the abstract in Archives of Public Health (if selected): Give your consent or not.
Procedure and deadlines:
- End of call for abstract: Friday February 16, 2024 at noon
- Evaluation of abstracts: February / March 2024
- Results of the evaluation and selection of abstracts: April 2024
In case of late submission, please contact
If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to register for the symposium. You can register here before Monday 10 June 2024:
- Free registration for members of the association
- Price of 50 EUR for non-members (20 EUR for students). If you wish to become a member of the association, this price can cover your membership for the year 2024.
BAPH symposium organizing committee :
Brecht Devleesschauwer • Christine Verfaillie • Johan Van der Heyden • Karin De Ridder • Laura Van den Borre • Pierre Smith • Sherihane Bensemmane • Véronique Tellier • Xavier Leus