Date and venue
13 October 2016, 09:00 - 18:00 Namur, Palais des Congrès Place d'Armes 1, 5000 Namur
In 2016, the Belgian Association of Public Health (BAPH) has decided to join forces with the Belgian Statistical Society (BSS/SBS/BVS). Our 2016 Symposium on Public Health is organised in conjunction with their 24th Annual Meeting. During this day, public health researchers and professionals can meet and interact with their colleagues. After all, both associations have members in the north and in the south of the country, several people are member in both societies, and we all deal with data. When public health practitioners question academic statisticians, the statisticians may not fully understand the questions, nor do public health practitioners and epidemiologists always understand the answers. Therefore, we are convinced that time has come for sharing knowledge, knowhow and projects!
In the morning, we have one plenary joint session on Big Data and Public Health, a topic of interest for the members of both organisations. As keynote speaker we are happy to welcome ?professor Peter Diggle, president of the Royal Statistical Society (UK). Two "big data" projects will be presented beforehand:, by Johan Van Bussel (WIVISP), and Crossreferencing regional health data: a mathematical and cartographic tool by Alain Trugeon from the regional health and social observatory (OR2S) of Picardie, France. During the rest of the day, we offer you two separate tracks, in addition to the existing BSS programme: one track will focus on the important issues in linking and sharing data; the other track provides a platform for young researchers to discuss methods in public health. Selected poster abstracts will be on display throughout the symposium. We plan to end the day with a social get-together.
Registration - join us in Namur - last call!
The last call to register and join us, and the programme is available here. More detailed information on the programme will be available later on, through this website and through mailings to our members. We cordially invite you to register for the symposium, and to join us on 13 October. BAPH members can benefit from reduced registration fees; please check this page if you are not a member yet and you wish to apply. It is important to notice that all sessions on 13 October are open to all who registered, whether through BAPH or through BSS. Detailed Program (PDF)