Workshop on Mortality Data in Public Health Research - 2013
Date and venue
1 March 2013, 09:30 - 17:00 Belgian FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, at the corner of the Victor Hortaplein and the Ernest Blerotstraat, next to the Brussels South (Gare du Midi; Zuidstation) railway station
On 1 March 2013, BAPH organises a workshop on mortality data. During this day, public health researchers and other professionals confronted with mortality data can interact with their colleagues and contribute to the improvement of the production and the use of these data.
The workshop is divided in two parts:
- In the morning, mortality data production will be discussed, focusing on the cause of mortality.
- One goal is to create insight into the production chain of the data and the decision-making process used in certification.
- Another is to give an overview of the measures taken to improve the data and to discuss the assessment of data quality.
- Finally, strengths and weaknesses will be identified.
- The afternoon session will deal with the use of mortality data.
- We will have a look at the current debates on the topic,
- as well as on the methodology used
- and the link between these data and the recommendations/conclusions inferred.
Poster submission
Poster abstracts can be submitted to until 15 January 2013. Poster language is English. Topic of the poster has to be related to mortality data production or use in the field of public health or related areas, such as privacy/ethics, environment or specific themes such as homeless people.
The 2013 workshop, entitled "Mortality data in public health research" is organised in close collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the "Ecole de Santé Publique" of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). The workshop is financed by the Belgian Association of Public Health (BAPH) with support from the Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - FWO) and the Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS).
Click one of the following links for:
- the "Save the Date" Announcement,
- an overview of the programme (PDF),
- or check the Presentations page after the meeting.
Scientific steering group
The members of the scientific steering group for the 2010 workshop are listed below:
- Aelvoet Wim (FPS Public Health - BAPH)
- Albert Adelin (ULg)
- Bilsen Johan (VUB)
- Buziarsist Jamila (IPH - BAPH)
- Coppieters Yves (ULB)
- Dauvrin Marie (UCL)
- Drieskens Sabine (IPH - BAPH)
- Lorant Vincent (UCL)
- Molenberghs Geert (UHasselt - KULeuven)
- Neuprez Audry (ULg)
- Tancredi Annalisa (ULg)
- Tellier Véronique (Observatoire de Santé - Wallonie)
- Van der Heyden Johan (IPH - BAPH)
- Van Hal Guido (UA)
- Van Herck Koen (UGent - UA)
- Van Oyen Herman (IPH - UGent)
Presentations from the 2013 workshop
Thanks to the authors who consented, we can offer you a PDF copy of the presentations.
Morning session: Quality of mortality data production
Belgian causes of death: the data production process, its strengths and weaknesses Michel Willems (Directorate-general Statistics and Economic information) Déborah Cuignet (Cellule statistiques naissances-décès - Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) Anne Kongs (Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid) Peter Verduykt (Observatorium voor Gezondheid en Welzijn Brussel-Hoofdstad) European data collection on Causes of Death: consolidated successes and new challenges Monica Pace (Eurostat, Luxembourg) [keynote speaker] Comparative study of offical certificate data and data collected by the « Monica » project as a case study for quality of death certificates Koen Van Herck (Universiteit Gent)
Afternoon session: Mortality data use for public health decisions
Using death certificate data for an international study on the place of death Joachim Cohen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Overview of the latest developments in methodology: Indicators, limitations, etc : lessons from some case studies Philippe Collart, Yves Coppieters, Myriam De Spiegelaere, Michèle Dramaix, David Jegou, Alain Levêque, Judith Racapé, Isabelle Savoye, Christelle Senterre (Centre de Recherches en Epidémiologie, biostatistique, et recherche clinique - Ecole de Santé Publique de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles) Closing conference on methods and perspectives Eric Jougla (Centre d'épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès, France) [keynote speaker]