BAPH - Workshop 2010 - Methods in health survey research
BAPH events
Friday 17 December 2010
Kind en Gezin, Brussels
Date and venue
17 December 2010 Kind en Gezin, 27 Hallepoortlaan - Avenue de la Porte de Hal, 1060 BrusselsBackground
To implement an efficient health policy, public health authorities are in need of evidence-based information on health determinants and evolutions in the domain of public health. Health surveys are important tools in this respect. When organizing a health survey, many methodological challenges need to be faced. They relate among others to sampling, development of research instruments, organization and follow up of the field work, data collection and analysis of the results. It is vital that the methodological choices made are based on scientific evidence and allow estimating the reliability and validity of the information that is obtained.Objective
The objective of the workshop is to foster scientific exchanges on methodological aspects of survey research. More specifically, the aims of the meeting are:- to stimulate the use of correct scientific methods in health survey research;
- to illustrate these methods by presentation of examples of health surveys from Belgium and abroad;
- to establish exchange among national and international experts with respect to new developments in the organisation of health surveys from an international perspective.
During the workshop, national and international experts will give presentations on various topics in the domain of health survey methodology. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. A poster session is scheduled during the lunch break. The workshop will be concluded with a panel discussion on hopes and perils for health-related survey research.Organisation
The 2010 workshop, entitled "Methods in health survey research" is organised in close collaboration with the University of Hasselt and the University of Liège. The workshop is financed by the Belgian Association of Public Health (BAPH) with support from the Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - FWO).Programme
Click this link for detailed programme..Scientific steering group
The members of the scientific steering group for the 2010 workshop are listed below:- Aelvoet Wim (FPS Public Health - BAPH)
- Albert Adelin (ULg)
- Bilsen Johan (VUB)
- Buziarsist Jamila (IPH - BAPH)
- Coppieters Yves (ULB)
- Dauvrin Marie (UCL)
- Drieskens Sabine (IPH - BAPH)
- Lorant Vincent (UCL)
- Molenberghs Geert (UHasselt - KULeuven)
- Neuprez Audry (ULg)
- Tancredi Annalisa (ULg)
- Tellier Véronique (Observatoire de Santé - Wallonie)
- Van der Heyden Johan (IPH - BAPH)
- Van Hal Guido (UA)
- Van Herck Koen (UGent - UA)
- Van Oyen Herman (IPH - UGent)